Prof. A. B. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College



Surat-Nagpur Diversion, Near SRP Camp, Mahindale, Dist – Dhule, M.S. 424001 | Affiliated to K.B.C. North Maharashtra University Jalgaon

Code of Conduct for Principal

  • As the head of the College, the Principal has the responsibility of addressing and resolving all issues concerned with the partakers of education.

  • Assessing reports/Academic diary/teaching plan/ plan of action and action were taken reports of teachers/head/directors/coordinators.
    Assessing the academic syllabus/ course of the students.

  • Compel the teaching and nonteaching staff to follow the code of conduct of the institution.

  • It is the responsibility of the principal to ensure that observance of the acts, statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules and other orders issued there under by the University authorities, other regulatory bodies and the Management, from time to time.

  • Keep the coordination in all college work.

  • Maintain Assessment Reports of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college.

  • Observance and implementation of directives issued by the Government,/ U.G.C./ Director of Education / Higher Education / University and other concerned authorities.

  • Oversee and monitor the administration of the academic programs and general administration of the college.

  • The principal has the responsibility for the smooth conduct of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the College.

  • Provide guidance, leadership, and direction to all stakeholders.

  • The Principal has the responsibility to deliver leadership, direction and coordination within the College.

  • The Principal has the responsibility to ensure that ample importance is given to gender sensitivity measures in all the activities of the College.

  • The Principal has to assure competence and effectiveness in the whole of administrative plans and assignments.

  • Administration of the academic programs of the College as well as the general administration of the College has to be under the purview of the Principal.
    To adapt new technology and methods for effective teaching-learning processes and acquaint the students with recent development in the world.

  • To assess the feedback forms of the various stakeholders and take proper action for rectifying the issues. The Principal should ensure that the development plans of the College, both long-term and short-term, concerning the academic programs are duly processed and implemented through relevant authorities, bodies, committees and its members.

  • Concerning disciplinary measures, the Principal has the authority to take all the necessary actions as per the direction of the regulatory authority. In this regard, he/she should take actions, which should be impartial and he/she should maintain complete transparency.

Code of Conduct / Professional Ethics for the Teachers

  • Academic dairies are provided to every teacher by the college at the commencement of the session. Every teacher should regularly fill/record in it, his/her daily lectures/daily performance & other necessary information/etc. & submit it to the Principal Office for month-wise reviewing & assigning by the principal, on the last date (excluding Sunday/holiday) of every month in working hours. After review & Signature by the Principal, it will be returned to the teacher.

  • Adopt the process of developing the teaching-learning process by preparing subject-wise and semester-wise individual teaching plan at the beginning of the session and perform accordingly.

  • Avoid conflicts between their professional work and personal interest.

  • Be punctual & careful in availing professional opportunities for career development.

  • Create a pleasant atmosphere where students can actively participate in curricular and extracurricular activities of the college.

  • Every teacher of the college shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently to match the academic standards and performance norms laid down by the U.G.C/University/College /Management from time to time.

  • Every teacher in the college should cooperate to maintain discipline and good habits among the students.

  • In addition to the duties of teaching and allied activities, the teacher shall, when required, attend to extracurricular, co-curricular activities organized by the

  • Department/ Committees/ Cells of the College.

  • Every teacher should apply their knowledge and experience for the overall development of the students of the college.

  • Every teacher should be conscious of his academic development & be careful, attention to his/her placement date, and fulfill /complete the required eligibilities for their due placement.


  • Every teacher should do assessment practices for finding out slow learners & fast learners & to strive adequately for the overall development of the students of the college.

  • Every teacher should fairly & properly give internal marks to the students, without keeping the view of partiality.

  • Every teacher should follow the “teacher‟s dress code‟ as directed by the Principal

  • Every teacher should inform the college discipline/code of conduct to the students from time to time and encourage/compel them to follow it accordingly.

  • Every teacher should respect the functional superiority of those set in authority over him/her by the Management/Principal.

  • Examination evaluation/valuation, Practical examination should be fairly evaluated by the teacher.

  • Maintain their professional knowledge & skills and updated himself/ herself professionally for the proper discharge of duties assigned to him/her.

  • No teacher shall incite, instigate or provoke any student/s, or any other member of the staff into any form of action against the College or that seeks to disrupt the academic activities of the College.

  • No teacher shall leave headquarter without permission of the Principal.

  • No teacher should by act or deed degrades, harass or insult any other person for any reason whatsoever or act in a manner unbecoming of the teaching profession.

  • The teacher should assist with the College/University Examinations, Valuation works, Moderation, etc.

  • The teacher possesses his/her identity as a teacher/Employee of the college/Institution in the society, therefore no teacher should act in any manner that violates the norms of decency or morality in his/her conduct or behavior inside or outside of the College Campus, every teacher should maintain the reputation, discipline & culture of the College at the public places/ in the society.


  • The teacher shall engage the classes regularly and punctually and strive to complete the syllabus within the University directed/prescribed teaching days.

  • The teacher shall first submit his/ her placement file to the I.Q.A.C. & after reviewing the file will be forwarded to the Placement Scrutiny Committee of the college and after verifying this file, will be forwarded to the I.Q.A.C. by the Placement Scrutiny Committee and I.Q.A.C. will forward that file to the Principal for further needful action.


  • other cooperation in examination /practical work, etc., if anyone is found, legal action will be taken against him/her.

  • The teacher should not force or compel any student of the college for doing his/her work, inside or outside of the college.

  • The Teacher should not indulge in any organized anti-institutional activity and shall not promote, abet, assist, or motivate any groups or unhealthy activity.

  • The teacher should not interfere/ speak about any personal matter/issue of his/her colleague teacher among the students in the class/ inside or outside of the college, and always speak respectfully of other teachers.

  • The Teacher should not only confine his/ her activities to classroom teaching but involve himself/herself in all the efforts of the college in giving extra inputs to the students to make the students not only academically brilliant but confident, competent, and fully overall developed personality & strive for them according to the Vision and Mission and Objectives of the college/institution.
    Every teacher shall, at all times, maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty. He shall be strictly honest and impartial in his official dealings.

  • Every teacher shall be present at the place of his duty during the prescribed working hours. No teachers shall be absent from duty without prior permission or grant of leave except for valid reasons or unforeseen contingencies.

  • Every whole-time teacher of the College /University may be called upon to perform such duties as may be assigned to him beyond the prescribed working hours and announced holidays including Sunday without claim for additional remuneration

  • No teacher shall leave his headquarters except with the previous permission of proper authority even during leave or vacation.
    Whenever leaving the station, a teacher shall inform the Principal / Head of the Department or the Registrar, if he is himself the Head of the


  • Department, the address where he would be available during the period of his absence from the station.

  • Every teacher shall devote himself diligently to his work and utilize his time to the service of the College/University and the cause of education and give full cooperation in all academic programs and other activities conducive to the welfare of the student community.

  • No teacher shall resort to unauthorized use of College/University resources or facilities for personal, commercial, political, or other purposes not related to the College/University.

  • No teacher shall resort to threats of physical harm forcible detention, harassment, or intimidation of any staff or students of the College/university to interfere with the performance of his duties.

  • No teacher shall refuse to carry out the decision of the appropriate administrative or academic bodies of the College/university.

  • No teacher shall violate the canons of intellectual honesty such as misappropriation of the writings and research findings of others.

  • No teacher shall take an active part in politics, to cause interference in the discharge of his duties nor shall he in any manner associate himself with any movement or organization which is or tends directly or indirectly to be subversive of law and order or the interest of higher education.

  • No teacher shall without previous intimation to the College/University stand for election or accept nomination to any local body, legislature of the State, or Parliament nor shall be in any manner force his subordinates or students against their will for the canvassing of his election.

  • No teacher shall engage himself or participate in any demonstration or activity which is prejudicial to the sovereignty or integrity of India, the security of the State, the friendly relation with foreign Status, public, order, decency, or morality or which involves contempt of Court, defamation, or incitement to an offense.

  • A teacher who gets involved in some criminal proceedings shall immediately inform the College/University irrespective of the fact whether he has been released on bail or not.

  • A teacher who is detained in Police custody whether on a criminal charge or otherwise for a period of longer than forty-eight hours shall not join his duty unless he gets written permission from the College/ University to be deemed to have been suspended from the date on which he was taken to Police custody.

  • No teacher shall except with the previous sanction of the College/University have recourse to any Court of law or the Press for the vindication of any official act which has been the subject matter of adverse criticism or an attach of defamatory Character.

  • A teacher intending to marry a person who holds citizenship of another foreign country shall seek prior permission from the management of the College/University.

  • No teacher who has a wife living shall contract another marriage without first obtaining the permission of the College/University not withstanding that a subsequent marriage is permissible under the personal and religious law for the time applying to him.

  • Whenever a teacher wishes to put forth any claim or seeks redressal of any grievance or any wrong done to him, he must forward his case through the proper channel.

  • The teacher shall not ordinarily remain absent from work without prior permission of the Principal or grant of leave.

  • The teacher shall present punctually to the college for the National Anthem & Prayer.
  • The Teacher shall report to the Principal if there is any criminal complaint, action/proceeding lodged against him/her in any police Station, Court, or Forum.
  • The teacher should adopt a humane approach in dealing with students who are physically challenged.
  • The teacher should be sincere, dedicated, and academically focused.
  • The Teacher should behave and perform fair and be committed to the best interest of the students of the college.
  • The teacher should devote his time and energy to developing and improving his academic and professional competence.
  • The teacher should inculcate a feeling of pride among the students for their Parents, Teachers, Society, Institution & Nation.
  • The teacher should maintain a positive relationship with all colleagues & students of the college.
  • The teacher should not be careless in filling the Academic diary, every teacher keeps his/her academic diary updated with the signature of the Principal.
  • The teacher should not demand/force any assistance or money on the students by showing or giving any temptation of increasing marks or any

The Professional Ethics & Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff

  • Every one of the non-teaching staff of the college shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently to match with the administrative standards and performance norms laid down by the U.G.C/University
    /College /Management from time to time.

  • Maintain their professional knowledge & skills and updated himself/ herself professionally for the proper discharge of duties assigned to him/her.

  • Must join/attend the duty punctually every day.

  • Assist in carrying out functions relating to the administrative responsibilities of the college and the university such as: assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and counseling students as well as assisting the conduct of university and college examinations, including all types of Examination works.

  • Respect the right and dignity of the student by assisting them with any kind of help/guidance etc.

  • Speak respectfully and Behave politely to every one of our colleges. (The Principal, teachers, Students, visitors, parents, etc.)

  • Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social, and physical characteristics;

  • Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharging responsibilities which such offices may demand;

  • Co-operate personally to the policies of the institutions which have been made by higher authorities of the institution.

  • Every employee should apply their knowledge and experience for the overall development of the office work of the college.

  • Every employee should behave and perform fair and be committed to the best interest of the college.

  • Every employee of the college should cooperate to maintain discipline and good habits in the office as well as on college premises.


  • Should maintain a positive relationship with all colleagues & teaching staff and the students of the college.

  • Every employee possesses his/her identity as an

  • Employee of the college/Institution in the society, therefore no employee should act in any manner that violates the norms of decency or morality in his/her conduct or behavior inside or outside of the College Campus, everyone should maintain the reputation, discipline & culture of the College at the public places/ in the society.

  • Any employee should not indulge in any organized anti-institutional activity and shall not promote, abet, assist, or motivate any groups or unhealthy activity.

  • Avoid conflicts between their professional work and personal interest.

  • No one of the non-teaching staff should by act or deed degrades, harass or insult any other person for any reason whatsoever or act in a manner unbecoming in this profession.

  • No one shall ordinarily remain absent from work without prior permission of the Principal or grant of leave.

  • Shall be reported to the Principal, if there is any criminal complaint, action/proceeding lodged against him/her in any police Station, Court, or Forum.
    Should adopt a humane approach in dealing with students who are physically challenged.

  • Be punctual & careful in availing professional opportunities for career development

  • Every employee should respect the functional superiority of those set in authority over him/her by the Management/Principal.

  • No one of the non-teaching staff of the college shall leave headquarter without permission of the Principal.

Duties and Responsibilities of Heads of Departments

  • After the results of the University Exams are published, the Heads of

  • Departments should examine the results of their Departments and discuss with the other Lecturers in the

  • Department of frequent meetings how to improve the progress of the students and take follow-up action.

  • Any program or any activity should not be organized/ arranged by any department of the college, without permission/consent of the Principal.

  • Each year and each Semester, bearing in mind the general needs of the college the lesson plan for the Department should be determined and given to the Lecturers beforehand. This should be handed over to the Principal two days before the reopening of the College.

  • Each year, every teaching department of the college should establish a “Students‟ Study Circle” of the students, by the students, for the students by constituting their Students‟ executive body; at the beginning of the session, inspire them to conduct/organize the departmental programs/activities.

  • Every departmental meeting should be organized under the (Ex-officio) chairmanship of the Principal, for planning/deciding the programs/ activities (For Why, How, Where, for whom, by whom, etc.).

  • Find out and make a list of Slow learners & Fast learners. Organize extra classes/remedial classes for slow learners & Provide more guidance to the fast learners, Keep all documental records of these additional classes also in the academic diary.

  • It is very necessary to make sure every day, in the morning and the evening that the Lecturers and students have done their duties. If for any unforeseen reason, the HOD is not able to be present, he/she should ask the senior-most person in the department, in writing, to do this supervision.

  • Keeping in mind the lessons to be taken and those that have been taken the examinations should be conducted and the student’s‟ progress

    reports in the prescribed form should be ready and, with the signature of the HOD, should be sent to the parents through the Principal. When they are returned by the parents they should be kept in the files of the departments.

  • Organize guest lectures on various subjects for the students, with the kind permission of the Principal.

  • Organise student-centric programs in the first session as well as the second session for their overall development by using innovative ideas. There are expected minimum of two programs in the first session and the other two programs in the second session should be performed by every teaching department, apart from indicated programs by the college, in College Annual Calendar, for each session

  • Organize/take student feedback (Two times) after one month of commencement of the teaching and at the end of every semester, knowing their difficulties, grievances, or any teaching/learning problems, and the performance of the subject teacher. Find out remedies/solutions after analyzing the feedback forms of the students.

  • Organize an “Industrial/Environmental Study Tour” for the students & after the tour make an evolution/output/benefit report of the tour & produce it to the Principal and also keep one hard copy of it with the departmental document file.

  • Organize group discussions, debate competitions, and Subject Seminars by using PowerPoint Presentations for the students.

  • Organize Personality Development, Soft skills Development & Communication skills Development Programs for the holistic development of the students.

  • Submit reports of completed and not completed syllabus reports and unit test reports, from time to time to the principal in written form.

  • The books prescribed by the University for each year should be procured through the Library and made available in the Department.

  • The HOD should maintain the movements register of the Lecturers.


  • They should come in time and supervise the Lecturers in their Departments to ensure that they come in time, take classes on time, and do their duties properly.

  • To guide/direct the faculties of the department to prepare annual/semester-wise/subject-wise teaching plans and keep one copy of this plan with a departmental file & submit one hard copy to the Principal.

  • To maintain the updated minutes’ book of the Departmental Meetings. And submit it to the Principal from time to time.

  • To manage the periods/Lectures & keep watching for smooth conducting.

  • Prepare the Annual Departmental Academic Calendar at the commencement of the session, and one copy of it should be submitted to the principal and organize the planned events accordingly.

  • To prepare the Semester wise/ annual Time Table of the Arts & Commerce faculty/ Department.
    Using ICT adds maximum for teaching the learning process.

Code of Conduct for Students

  • Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of discipline and dignified manner of behavior inside as well as outside the College campus. They shall abide by the rules and regulations of the College and should act in a way that highlights the discipline and esteem of the College.

  • A six-day working schedule from Monday to Saturday is followed. Classes are scheduled from 8.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. The first period will begin with a prayer song which will be played through P.A System.

  • The students shall stand in attention till the prayer ends. Those who are standing outside the classroom are also expected to follow this.

  • Students shall rise from their seats when the teacher enters the classroom and remain standing till the teacher takes her/his seat or they are allowed by the teacher to sit. Silence shall be observed during class hours.

  • Teachers shall be greeted appropriately with “Good Morning Sir/Miss” or “Good Afternoon Sir/Miss” and a “Thank you Sir/Miss” when the teacher leaves the classroom.

  • No student shall enter or leave the classroom when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.

  • Students having lab sessions in the FN or AN, have to report to the lab directly in time and they are not expected to go to the classroom.
    In the events of Student seminars/project presentations etc., all the students of the concerned class must be present for the entire session.

  • Students can leave the campus during class hours only after getting a gate pass from the Principal, HOD, or the tutor and after making an entry in the Gate Register maintained by the gatekeeper.


  • All students shall leave the classes immediately after 4.00 p.m. No students shall wander or gather in the verandah, corridor, staircase, etc.

  • All leave applications (Regular & Medical) shall be submitted in time, for sanction by the Principal and concerned teachers. Application for medical leave shall be accompanied by valid medical certificates.

  • All the students are expected to attend all college functions in college uniform unless otherwise specified.

  • All the students shall wear their identity cards, well displayed. An identity badge is a public document and any teaching staff and nonteaching staff shall have the right to peruse it. Denial of that alone invites disciplinary action.

  • As per the Govt. order, students shall not bring powered vehicles inside the campus on the Second and Fourth Saturdays.

  • Students are expected to maintain silence in the academic buildings to maintain decorum and, any deviant behavior such as hooting, whistling, loitering etc. will be treated as an instance of indiscipline.

  • For independent study, students are expected to use the classrooms, library, or the demarcated areas of the academic building and shall not resort to sitting in staircases or circulation areas where they could interfere with the free movement.

  • Students are encouraged to make use of the library, and common computing facilities and to involve in professional body activities or any program authorized by the college beyond class hours.

  • However, under normal circumstances, students shall retreat to their hostels or residences by 6.00 PM.

  • Access to academic buildings beyond the above timing and on holidays without written permission from the concerned HOD will be treated as a case of indiscipline.

  • Accessing Social Networking Sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. is prohibited within the college campus however access to these sites are

    permitted in the hostel building during time slots specified by the hostel wardens.

  • Keep the campus neat and clean. Do not put any waste anywhere on the campus except in the waste baskets kept. Any violation of this shall invite a minimum fine of Rs. 100/-.

  • Consumption of intoxicants / psychotropic substances in any form or smoking or using chewing- gum, pan masala, etc. are strictly prohibited.

  • It is strongly advised to refrain from activities such as scribbling or noting on walls, doors, or furniture which could deface the college and destroy the academic ambiance.

  • Carefully handle the furniture, equipment‟s, fixtures, and appliances of the college and lab.

  • Careless handling/misuse of the above could result in personal injuries or property damage Follow safety precautions near moving machines and electrical installations. In the event of property damage, the responsible students will have to bear the cost of replacement/repair with a fine.

  • Students are not permitted to arrange any unauthorized celebrations and decorations of any magnitude on campus.

  • Students are not permitted to distribute or display (both physically and electronically) material such as notices, banners, Xmas stars, etc. on the campus without the permission of the competent authority.

  • Students are expected to make use of academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular facilities available to the optimum levels.

  • This will certainly make them physically fit, academically competent, mentally alert, and socially sensitive.

  • Students who intend to represent the college in intercollegiate events shall take prior permission from the concerned head of the department and the selection will be based on parameters such as academic performance, attendance, character, existing academic pressure, and competence of the student in the proposed event for participation.


  • During internal examinations of 1 Hr period, students are not allowed to leave the hall within one hour from the beginning of the exam, and students have to occupy their seats 5 minutes before the commencement of the examination.

  • Political activity in any form is not permitted on the College campus. Unauthorized meetings, propaganda work, processions, or fund collections are forbidden within the College, in hostels, and outside the college.

  • Harassing juniors, ill-treatment to other fellow students or any such form of ragging is objectionable and liable to be treated as a criminal offense by the law enforcing agencies as per the directives of the

  • Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
    Misbehavior towards girl students and the use of threats or violence against members of the staff or fellow students will be considered very serious cases of misconduct.

  • Pay fees, mess bills etc. in advance or in time, which will avoid fines.

  • Any violation of the above rules will invite penalty in the form of a warning, fine, bringing of parents or any course of corrective measure as found suitable by any staff member or higher authority of the College.

  • Expulsion from the College is enough for expulsion from the hostel.

Code of Conduct of College Library for the students of the College

  • Every staff/student of the college is eligible for membership in the Library
    Silence must be observed in the Library.

  • Personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library.

  • The Library can be utilized by the students and staff from 08.00 A.M. to
    04 P.M. on working days.

  • Misbehavior in the library/in the study room will lead to cancellation of admission/Membership and serious disciplinary action will be taken against the concerned student/s.

  • All students should sign the entry register of the Library, before entering.

  • Students must handle the book/s very carefully.

  • All students should note that B.T. Cards are not transferable.

  • If a book is lost by the student, he/she shall replace the book (same title, author, and edition) or shall pay the same cost of the book as a fine.

  • Every student must satisfy themselves as to whether the books they intend to borrow are in good condition or not, before leaving the issue counter, otherwise, the student will be responsible for any loss or non-return of books issued to him/her.

  • Members/students are not permitted to underline, write in, fold/ tearing of pages, or defaced books in any way whatsoever.

  • The borrowed book should be returned on or before the due date, If not, an overdue charge of Rs.1 per day for students will be collected.

  • If the due date falls on holidays, the return can be done on the following working day without a fine.

  • All final-year students should return their library token and library book based on the library circular and obtain a “NO DUE CERTIFICATE” from the library for getting a Hall ticket for the University Examination.

  • Students can use the well-equipped Library study room from 10.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. with the kind permission of the Principal/Librarian

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